February 15, 2011

A *Love* Day

February 14.
One year ago.
The first time he told me he loved me.
Sounds so cliche right?
It was perfect.
And so was Valentine's Day this year.
Well.... besides the huge Art History test we had to take.
Our teacher was FULL of love.... right?
We both did well on our tests and then went home and worked out.
Which was good because we worked up quite the appetite.
Brian made reservations at our favorite restaurant.We love this place.
And nobody knows about it.
Which makes it even better.
Thanks to the love of my life for a wonderful evening!
Love much,


Ben and Janelle said...

Glad you had a good Valentine's day! Sounds very nice! Yeah, I've never heard of The Copper Onion

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

So very much love. AWWWW! Happy Valentine's day!