August 22, 2012


I've been awful at updating on this whole baby bump thing.
I've managed to take some pictures along the way though - 
Usually I end up taking them after receiving "angry" texts from my sister.
She's great and I owe her big time for keeping me on top of things.
So I thought I'd post some of the pictures I've snapped along the way.
The progression is kinda fun to see.

(I had more pictures than this, but SOMEHOW they got deleted)

23 Weeks
26 weeks
Sorry this one isn't as great of a view.
27 Weeks
It's nice to have people acknowledge me as being pregnant now.
Before I was still in that awkward phase where I just looked fat.
Oh - and I had the first person (not family) touch my belly.
Kinda weird.

I am really trying to take more pictures.
Don't know why it seems to be so hard to stay on top of.

I can't believe I'm almost in my third trimester.
This baby is coming way too fast!

Love much,


The Shelby's said...

You're SO cute!! That's awesome its going so fast I thought I was pregnant for like 2 years I swear it felt like FOREVER! But you look great! Can't wait to see him!

anna. said...

hah i wish i was there to awkwardly touch your stomach too. you're going to be a mom soon! can't wait ( :