October 18, 2011


No blog updates lately because...
Mr. and I haven't been doing anything blog-worthy I guess.

No pictures to show.

No babies to announce.

No new jobs.
(But I do LOVE mine... let's hope I get paid for it soon... but that's another entire story.)

Brian and I are planning a trip to Texa-a-a-s-s-s for Thanksgiving so that will be fun.
(I don't know why, but that's just how I say "Texas"... I can't not say it that way)

Our idea of fun is this.
We (mostly Brian) have been working on a website for my dad for several months.
And... it's finally done.
Check it out.
Spread the word.
Read his stuff.
Let me know what you think.

Love much,

1 comment:

Ben and Janelle said...

Oooh! You coming to Texas to see us?! :)